EPA – Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site

NovNovember 7 2022


Hello everyone! Below please find information about today’s (Monday, November 7) EPA community meeting for the Asarco Point Ruston Superfund Cleanup (part of the Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site).

*Monday, November 7 || 7-9pm* In-Person EPA Community Meeting with Updates on the Asarco Point Ruston Superfund Cleanup

Please join the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a community meeting this evening (rescheduled from October 25) to provide updates on cleanup progress at Point Ruston. More information about today’s meeting is provided below:

  • Date:  *Today!* Monday, November 7th (2022)

  • Time:  7-9pm (Pacific)

  • Location:  In-person only (no virtual option, though we will try to record the meeting and post it online afterward for anyone who cannot make it in-person)

    • In-Person Meeting Address*:  Mary Joyce Community Center, 5219 N. Shirley St., Ruston WA 98407 (Enter at the Ruston School, you will see signs!)
    • Location Note:  Space and seating may be limited due to high interest in this event.

  • Questions? More Information? If you would like more information about this meeting, cleanup work, or to receive regular updates from the Commencement Bay cleanup listserv, please contact Kristine Koch, EPA Remedial Project Manager (koch.kristine@epa.gov, 206-553-6705).

Thank you and take good care!


If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about the Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site, please contact Kristine Koch (koch.kristine@epa.gov, 206-553-6705) or visit EPA’s Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site webpage at www.epa.gov/superfund/commencement-bay.

Thank you!

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