Location Layers: Street & ROW Projects
Permit # SEP 18-13 Issued: 08/21/2018 Applicant: Lenie Hamm Project Description: Remove existing sidewalk ad prep area for new/replacement sidewalk. No traffic impacts. All work and construction site to be placed on the private property. Project Status: Sidewalk inspection in progress
Permit #: SEP 18-15 Issued: Applicant: City of Ruston Project Description: With grant funding, the City of Ruston will begin the first phase of under grounding utility starting in the Rust Way Alleyway.
Permit # SEP 18-17 Issued: 10/09/2018 Applicant: Sustainabuildity, LLC Project Description: Construct a utility trench down 49th street for approximately 60 feet to power pole, for electrical under grounding. Replace 15 ft of sidewalk in front of property. Project completion time-frame 30 days.
Permit #: SEP 18-18 Issued: 09/04/2018 Applicant: PSE Project Description: Retire existing 5/8″ PE gas service at the gas main located at 12′ South of the Center Line on N 52nd Street. No hard surface work.
Permit # SEP 18-19 Issued: 2018-10-17 Applicant: PSE Project Description: To replace gas service located in the ROW due to encroachment of service line on neighboring property. Install approximately 34′ in ROW of N Bennett Street.