ruston shoreline master program

Ruston Shoreline Master Program

The Shoreline Management Act requires each city and county to review, and, if necessary, revise their SMP at least once every eight years. The legislature set a staggered schedule that alternates with similar reviews under the Growth Management Act.

The jurisdictions required to conduct periodic review by June 30, 2019, the first deadline, are King, Pierce and Snohomish counties and the cities within them. You can find this requirement in RCW 90.58.080.

The City of Ruston's Planning Commission and planning staff worked on the 2011 update for the Shoreline Master Program. View past Planning Commission meeting packets on the Ruston's Planning Commission Page. Review the Shoreline Master Program Document Listing available at the bottom of this page and access additional  resources below for more information on past updates and current status.

SMP Update Questions & Comments

The Planning Commission and City Council are committed to working on the draft SMP document beginning in August 2018, until it is ready for final approval by the Washington State Department of Ecology later in mid 2019.

The Planning Commission and staff do not anticipate an conflicts between the final SMP and the recently approved Point Ruston Master Development Plan (PRMDP).  Future amendments to the PRMDP will be required to comply with the final SMP.

Yes.  The Planning Commission has directed the staff to include provisions for a deep water port for cruise ship docking within the draft SMP.

Yes.  The Planning Commission has directed the staff to include provisions for marina construciton within the draft SMP.

Yes.  The Planning Commission has directed the staff to include provisions for a kayak launch within the draft SMP.

Yes.  The Planning Commission included requirements for public access along the entire shoreline jurisdiction, not just the portion which fronts on Commencement Bay.

Please email the City Planner, Rob White at and your questions will be posted on this page with the answer.

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